Friday, June 13, 2008

Democrats, defined.

Hurricane "victims" still living in tax-payer funded motels, still not working, still not supporting themselves. After THREE YEARS.

Charity that was supposed to "help" those "victims" throwing a party with donated money. A party for the Democrat American Communist Party.

And yeah, I put the scorn quotes around "victim". You want to know why? Because anyone who is still sitting on their ass after three years sucking off the public teat IS NOT A VICTIM! I find this whole thing disgusting beyond all belief. Way to shatter those New Orleans stereotypes there, folks! Good on ya!

I believe I've said it before, and I have no problem saying it again: The reason so many people in New Orleans had to be saved from Hurricane Katrina is because they were too lazy and worthless to save themselves. Or to even lift a finger to help themselves. We are seeing the dregs of those people sitting around in a hotel, lounging by the pool, and still not doing a damn thing to improve their lives.

I say yank the money away. Three years is long enough to suck up my tax dollars. Go find a damn job, you lazy bum.

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