Thursday, March 20, 2008

Still busy

For anyone who doesn't know, I'm the choir director for the chapel. No, it's not an official position. No, I don't get paid for it. It's more a case of "Oh hey, you know how to read music? TAG, YOU'RE IT!"

Anyways, for those non-Christians out there, it's Holy Week. Today is Holy Thursday. Tomorrow, Good Friday. Saturday is the Easter Vigil and Sunday is Easter. And I'm the choir director. Which means that by the end of Saturday night, I won't have much of a voice left, and Sunday afternoon is going to be spent drinking beers and telling the rest of the world to go away. Y'see, when you're just in the choir, you can skip a mass or two and rest your voice. The director has to be there for every. Single. Mass. My priest is getting a little sick of seeing me in the chapel. "Dave, what are you still doing here? I saw you hear at lunch!"

Oh, and I'll be eating dark chocolate as well. Not because it's Easter, but because I like chocolate. And maybe I'll have some rum in between beers. Because I like rum too. And I can't get good single malt scotch here to save my life.

So anyways, I'm going to be busy all weekend. And after this weekend, anyone associated with the chapel is going to collapse on their couch and go "Whew! It's over!" Posting is going to be a little bit light until then.


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