Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The title of the forum post was "What a wanker"

And I'm forced to agree. You want to see the picture perfect definition of "entitlement"? Then go look (very quickly!) at this Huffing-gas Post, where someone is whining about not making enough money.

You see, I’m one of those workers you read about that busts his butt every day, but still can’t afford to pay rent. From 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. every night I clean the 9th and 10th floor of the Cincinnati Textile Building. Just as you are sitting down to eat dinner with your kids, I’m turning your messy office into a sparkling fresh work space. I get paid $6.85 per hour to clean more than 20 bathroom stalls, to take out and scrub over 200 trash cans, and to clean up the office spaces of guys making at least three times my wages. Even when my supervisor gives me overtime, I’m bringing in less than $30 a day. That’s less than $600 a month.

What a load of crap. What a sniveling piss-ant excuse for a human being. What a pathetic oxygen thief.

From 5:00 to 9:00 PM, he's busting his butt. That works out to four hours a day....


Dear g-d, save us from idiots, morons, and the Democrat American Communist Party. Oh, wait, they're all ONE AND THE SAME!

Here's what someone needs to say to this whiny little bitch - "Hey asshole, why don't you get a second job? You know, like a job that will give you forty hours a week? Ya think? Then you could pay your rent!" No, he's got to post in Huffing-gas about his po' widdle self, cleaning toilets four hours a day, TOILETS, OH THE HUMANITY, and not making any money.

Improving himself so that he could get a better job? Nope, doesn't cross his mind. He'd much rather whine about how he can't make any money, and then demand that everyone else pay his bills. "MINIMUM WAGE SHOULD BE ENOUGH TO LIVE ON!" It might be enough, IF YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING WORKED FOR A LIVING, YOU SNIVELING SHITTY JACKASS! But not only does this sorry waste of protoplasm have a minimum wage job, HE DOES NOT EVEN WORK A FULL DAY!

You want to know why it's a minimum wage job? Because by and large, a minimum wage job is work that anyone with half a brain and no experience can do. You want to get paid more? Either get a second job, or actually improve yourself so that you can get a higher paying job! It really is that simple! Or find a job that will give you more hours!

I started out washing dishes in restaurant kitchens. Then, during slow times, I would turn to the chef and ask him to teach me how to make a dish. "Hey, can you show me how to do that?" Or the chef would ask "Hey Dave, can you peel these prawns for me?" and I say "Sure, if you show me what you're going to do with them."

Make enough food quickly enough, you stop washing dishes and start cooking. Why? Because any trained monkey can wash dishes. It's the people who can cook that get paid more. Go into any restaurant and ask around - the cooks make more than the dishwashers do. Therefore, I wanted to learn how to cook, so that I could get paid more!

This idiot, this shit-for-brains, this petulant maggot would rather scrub toilets four hours a day for the rest of his life and whine about not getting paid enough.

Either this idiot is a lying sack of shit, which since he's a Leftist wouldn't surprise me, or he really is that dumb and useless. He's an example of a person who shouldn't breed.

This blood-pressure spike brought to you by the GunThing.com Forum.

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