Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Energy Debates Lack Focus on Practical Energy Concerns of Average Citizen

Reading this report on an energy debate, I again notice a trend I'm sure pleases the 'climate-change' fearing left. There is rarely any debate over what the practical effects of the policies pushed by 'green', mansion-living, private-jet-flying, leftist elites would be on your average citizen. The people who push 'green' policies are divorced from having to put gas in the tank and seeing how far you can make it last. They don't have to stress constantly about the kids leaving lights on all over the house. They just want us to use less gas, and they'll raise tax rates on energy producers and (directly and indirecly) users to accomplish that goal. They push pie-in-the-sky bullshit like bio-fuels, which when used as a substitute for petroleum products is driving up the cost of our food, but they don't give a shit. They'd gladly pay tons of money for corn on the cob to satisfy their religous devotion to counter-balancing the effects of Humvee emissions on the melting ice caps of Mars. We should be kissing their ass and buying a Schwinn right now so we can deliver their copy of the NY Slimes to their lavish palacial estates in the middle of a fucking blizzard.

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