Wednesday, September 07, 2005

And the gloves come off

Something that the Left hasn't quite figured out yet is that their domination over what makes the news is crumbling. More and more news that the Left doesn't want you to hear or see is making it out into the world, due mainly to new technology, and people who are willing to use it.

Thus, when the Left turns en mass and blames everything regarding Hurricane Katrina on President Bush, their cries ring hollow when held up against reports and news coming out of that area. In short, the Bush Bashing doesn't work like it used to. And ordinary people are starting to get pissed off.

Really pissed off.

I said the other day that I found the finger-pointing and blame-gaming before the dead bodies were even cold sickening, and I did and do. But the America-hating Left has decided that the best way to win a debate is to shout down opposing viewpoints; they decided that a long time ago, in fact. And now they know they can count on help from those who, from the best of intentions, perhaps, will willingly spread blame to places it doesn’t really belong just to seem more thoughtful and “serious.” I began noticing the predictability of this phenomenon a while back, and while reticence and thoughtfulness are certainly not bad things, you all know by now that I’m not someone who minds much calling a spade a spade, either. So, as I said, screw moderation this go-round. The disaster in NOLA was all the Democrats’ fault. Full stop; end of story.

And no, I don’t just mean for the obvious, practical reasons. We’ve all seen the Mayor Nagin Memorial Motor Pool; we’ve all heard how Bush nearly made the incompetent Democratic governor cry by demanding she relinquish what feeble control she ever had of her state to the Feds when, after the usual fashion of Democratic “leadership,” she quivered and stalled and refused to order NOLA’s evacuation; we’ve all heard and read story after story of Democrat ineptness, Democrat negligence, Democrat malfeasance, Democrat hubris, and Democrat failure, all occurring in a state and municipality run almost exclusively by Democrats for over a hundred years. We know these hapless and incompetent Democrats ignored their own disaster plans, and that they were the ones legally and ethically responsible for implementing them; it’s a pretty safe assumption that the NOLA and Louisiana authorities, being crooks as well as Democrats (yeah, I know, redundant), probably looted their own federally-matched disaster funds over the years too.

I included all the links in the blockquote to show you that Mike isn't just spouting off trash. Louisiana is a Democrat controlled state, and has been for years. The levels of graft, corruption, incompetance and greed that were exposed by this natural disaster is flat-out disgusting. The level of CYA that the Democrats are trying to accomplish is even more disgusting.

But when you're done reading Mike's wrath, hop on over to Eject Eject Eject for one of the best written pieces on the web.

If I had known, if I had only known, I could have run over that evil, sick son of a bitch Mohammed Atta in the parking lot. I could have been on one of those airplanes. They only had box cutters, for the love of God! Those seat cushions have straps on the back for floatation; they’d make excellent shields against a goddam two inch blade. Ladies, listen carefully…when I say go, you throw your shoes and cell phones and these little liquor bottles and cushions and whatever you can, just throw them right in the face of these cocksuckers and guys, when we get up there we need to kill them, fast, just break their fucking necks, just stomp on their heads until they are dead, because I know how to land a goddam airplane and…and…

Now of course, right at this moment there are people without honor or courage who read that and think this is one big jerk-off chickenhawk fantasy and on some level I guess it is. All I can tell you is that watching that show, I wished to God I had been on one of those planes, asking only that we knew what only Flight 93 knew, and that was the fate that was waiting for us if we did nothing.

Because everybody dies. Even liberals. And all I can say is that I believe in my heart that I would rather die for something bigger than myself than lead a life where nothing is more important than me. I admit freely that were I actually there I might freeze up, and wet my pants, and hide behind a stewardess, because you can never really know until you are there. But my times on the highways late at night, and with the only engine silent at 9000 feet over the South Georgia pine forests and at 400 feet climbing out of Prescott Arizona on Christmas day reassure me, a little, that perhaps I might do okay. Just as well as a common person, a common American person in a crisis – that’s all I pray for.

Much has been said regarding how much more massive an event Katrina is relative to lower Manhattan. But the fact remains that firemen went up the stairs when people were coming down, and one ordinary group of people on an ordinary flight on an ordinary day defeated the very best that the global terror network could put together. Our ladies junior varsity squad whipped the living shit out of their Super Bowl A-team over Pennsylvania that day, and they did it because for one brief shining moment enough passengers on that airplane went Grey.

I'd like to put forth my formal application for entry into the Grey Tribe right now please. And if you don't know what I mean, then you haven't read the essay yet, have you?

Now, much has been made of the fact that Ray Nagin is an incompetent, race-baiting black man, and Rudy Giuliani, who was neither, is white. Also, feminists are upset that people dare attack Governor Blanco because she is incompetent, weak, indecisive, and also a woman. And no doubt there are salivating long-haired, short-cortexed idiots just waiting for this to be over so they can sail into the comments section and tell me what a racist and misogynist I am.

Well, here’s the news flash: Nagin isn’t incompetent because he’s black. He’s incompetent because he’s incompetent. Condoleeza Rice is black. Colin Powell is black. Ted Kennedy, a man well-acquainted with rising water crises is as white as they come. Kennedy is incompetent; Rice and Powell are two of the most competent people on the planet.

This is about tribes, all right: not black and white tribes, but rather a battle between the capable and the culpable.

Print that out and nail it to the forehead of any braindead Leftist who talks about how this is all Bush's fault. And while you're at it, nail a copy of these unpleasant truths about life that the Left refuses to acknowledge:

1) Shit happens. Sometimes you can control how much shit happens, but sometimes you can't. There is no magic hand-waving voodoo spell that stops a hurricane from hitting you. Tornados don't stop because you want them to. Earthquakes don't give a shit if it's your birthday. You can't control it, you can't do anything to prevent it, all you can do is prepare for the aftermath.

2) The responsibility for immidiate action after a natural disaster belongs to state and local governments. There hasn't been any major disaster where the federal government was there and working in under two days. In case you forgot it, the actual labor to help after September 11th came from New Yorkers, not federal workers. The government wasn't there until two days afterwards.

3) There are people in this world who are flat out evil. You can't change them. You can't make them act differently. The only thing you can do is shoot them. Ted Bundy was not going to be talked out of murdering women, and while he is a rather far out example of evil, there are lots of mini-Bundys all over the world. They might not kill lots of women. They may kill only one. They might rape instead of kill, or assault instead of rape. But they exist, and the only way they can be stopped is if somebody steps up to the plate and stops them through force.

4) If a disaster occurs, you need to be able to take care of yourself for three days.

That's THREE days. Tres. 3. 1+1+1. Not one, not two, but THREE days.

That's the message that the federal government itself gives people. If you can't be expected to take care of yourself for three days, then dammit, what fucking good are you? I understand that some people are incapable of taking care of themselves for that long due to injury or illness, but I'm talking about the average joe, the schmuck who lives on the corner who isn't a blind/deaf/mute quadrapalegic with diabetes. In short, I'm talking to 90% of the people of New Orleans. Where was your water? Where was your non-perishable food? Hell, I have a flaming assload of water in my pantry, because I know that not only will I be taking care of my wife and myself, but I'll most likely be taking care of one or two neighbors as well. And I can support those extra people for a frigging WEEK. You don't have to go that far. You just need one gallon of water per person per day. How frigging hard is that?

It's not. But obviously people couldn't even do that much to help themselves out. And THAT IS NOT PRESIDENT BUSH'S FAULT!

Here's a few other questions that I'd like answered:

Why is it that the snipers who shot at emergency rescuers trying to save people in hospitals and shelters are never mentioned except in passing, and Mr. Bush, who is turning over heaven and earth to rescue the victims of the storm, is endlessly vilified?

What church does Rev. Al Sharpton belong to that believes in passing blame and singling out people by race for opprobrium and hate?

(ed. add-on: What qualifies Al Sharpton as a "Revered", anyway? His race-baiting? His poverty pimping? His inciting of murder and slander? Come to think of it, Jesse Jackon is a "Reverend" as well, yet he fathered an illigitimate child while having an adulterous relationship with a mistress while his wife sat back at home. How the hell can he still call himself a reverend anything?)

What special abilities does the media have for deciding how much blame goes to the federal government as opposed to the city government of New Orleans for the aftereffects of Katrina?

If able-bodied people refuse to obey a mandatory evacuation order for a city, have they not assumed the risk that ill effects will happen to them?

When the city government simply ignores its own sick and hospitalized and elderly people in its evacuation order, is Mr. Bush to blame for that?

Is there any problem in the world that is not Mr. Bush's fault, or have we reverted to a belief in a sort of witchcraft where we credit a mortal man with the ability to create terrifying storms and every other kind of ill wind?

Where did the idea come from that salvation comes from hatred and criticism and mockery instead of love and co-operation?

Argh. I'm done for the day. See you all later.

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