Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I hate to say "I told you so"....

but.... I told you so.

Public opposition to "marriages" between homosexuals is at an all-time high, according to a poll released yesterday.
When asked whether they thought same-sex "marriages" should be recognized by the law as valid and come with the same rights as traditional marriages, 68 percent of the respondents in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll said they should not.
Twenty-eight percent said same-sex "marriages" should be valid and 4 percent had no opinion. The survey of 443 adults was conducted March 18 to 20.

Why the change? People didn't just wake up one morning and say "Gosh, being gay is wrong!" They didn't have some sudden change of heart brought on by some mysterious force.

They had a change of heart because people in general will push back when someone is trying to jam crap down their throat. People are getting sick and tired of judicial legislation, and the gay marriage bruhah that came up last year and the year before is having significant backlash.

The gay marriage group has shot themselves in the foot. And while they went from court to court, trying to find a judge that would give them the results they wanted, they called any and all who disagreed with their methods all manner of foul names. There's one woman who insults me whenever she sees a comment of mine on Sondra K's blog. All because I told her to not go through the courts.

Only time will tell if they can reverse the damage they caused to their movement.

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