The Seattle Times has a writer who isn't a screaming moonbat liberal!
As usual, all emphasis is mine.
When does free speech become 'fighting words'?
Good question.
On Oct. 8 the College Republicans had a booth in front of the University of Washington Hub, selling cookies. A price list was posted:
On the list were prices per cookie, ranging from 25 cents to a dollar per cookie based on the race of the buyer, with the highest price to whites.
A sign was posted: "Affirmative Action Is Racism."
Jason Chambers, 22, was one of the sellers. For a few hours, he said, students came to talk, some agreeing, some arguing. It was civil. At 12:30 it changed. An insistent crowd of about 200 massed around the display. A couple of students ripped down the sign, scattered donuts and threw a box of cookies at a seller's head. The alleged perpetrators were black, though the crowd was of various races. The cookie sellers were white.
Please take note of "liberal tolerance". "We don't like what you say, and we're going to stop you from saying it!"
Campus police intervened and student adviser Phillip Hunt asked the Republicans to stop the sale. Hunt's assistant, Rene Singleton, recalled, "The College Republicans were pinned against a brick wall. It was a safety issue."
Gosh, you mean the Donks would resort to physical violence in order to stop someone from excersising their right to free speech? You don't say!
A UW spokesman said later the Republicans were shut down because they didn't have a permit. That was a bureaucrat's excuse. Conservatives at the University of California, Irvine, had a similar sale and were shut down for operating a retail business in violation of the antidiscrimination laws. Another bureaucrat's excuse
There's a pattern here, folks. This has been done at various colleges around the country, and the result is always the same. The oh so "tolerant" liberals scream and act like feces-flinging monkeys, and it ALWAYS ends with violence directed towards the conservative people holding the sale.
This was a political demonstration, and entirely peaceful. It didn't block anyone or wreck anything. But at politically correct UW, it was heresy
See my rant from yesterday. Add this to the list.
The police report said, "The organizations and people felt it was outrageous for the UW to let an organization promote such an event when cultural diversity should be celebrated and not looked down upon." It wasn't an attack on anybody's culture. It was an attempt to mock affirmative action by applying it to cookies.
Set that aside. Consider that students thought it perfectly proper to suppress a political demonstration because it offended them. Singleton said students came to her office all morning asking "that we take action against them. And we did not. We are in support of the First Amendment."
"I can say anything I want but you can't! I can call your president a Nazi but you can't say anything! And if you try I'll BEAT YOU!" Typical liberals from Seattle. TYPICAL! This isn't the exception, IT'S THE RULE HERE IN LATTE LAND!
Says attorney Bruce Johnson of Davis Wright Tremaine, Seattle: "The First Amendment encourages uninhibited, robust and wide-open speech. There is no such thing as a right not to be offended." There is a right not to be harmed.
There was no harm here. There was offense only. Those offended by free speech may speak back offensively. They may not rip down signs and throw cookies.
Unless, of course, you're part of the Sooper Sekrit Moonbat Brigade! Thoughtlessly promoting the ideals of facism and communism everywhere!
"We are deeply disappointed," the regents said, "that the College Republicans' bake sale's 'statement' did not embrace the basic value of respect for its student colleagues."
Were the regents also disappointed in those who tore down the sign and threw the box of cookies at a student's head? No. The regents didn't mention them. The regents proclaimed freedom of speech and condemned only those who had exercised it
I read a good quote from Drumwaster the other day. "Hate implies that I respect these people. I don't. I hold them in contempt, but I don't hate them. They're not worthy of my hate."
These walking piles of shit who rip down signs and restrict free speech have earned my contempt. The UW has earned my contempt. Every day comes another example of hypocricy and strong-arm tactics from the Democratic Party. These people don't care about freedom, they don't care about anyone's rights, they don't care about ANYTHING BUT GRABBING POWER. Communists, facists, call it what you will but they both use the same tactics. The tactics of the Democratic party.
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