Friday, July 17, 2020

The media is trying to scare people with the Kung Flu numbers. Don't let them.

It's not that bad, folks.

Nevertheless, because we’ve witnessed a spike in cases and there have roughly 3.5 million cases in the United States, that’s the number the media seems to be gravitating to. Why? Because when you look at the number of cases or the number deaths individually and compare them to other countries, the USA seems be the hardest hit… 
…that is until you account for population or look at the ratio of deaths per confirmed cases. I’ve previously examined how the United States measures up on cases and deaths per capita, so we know why the media doesn’t report on that, but the media the media aslso doesn’t want to report about case fatality rate (CFR). And the following graphs will show you why.

And while the total number of deaths might seem bad, I don't trust the numbers.  I don't trust the people who are telling me the numbers.  Remember, states have been labeling EVERYTHING a Kung Flu death, even if you die with a .55% BAC in Colorado.


Adrienne said...

Going on big time around here. Panhandle Health is having a meeting today. We're invited to watch, but no participation. Mandatory masks? Better not!!!!!!!!

Drumwaster said...

There was a story out of Orlando where a Kung Flu death was recorded, and when someone asked about "underlying conditions", the response was, "well, he died in a motorcycle accident, but we're not sure whether COVID might have caused the accident".

this was after their testing facilities not even bothering to report negative test results, so that they were literally reporting 100% positive (when the actual number turned out less than 10% positive).

Don't believe a word about this crap until it's all over. Which will be right after Election Day.

Ragin' Dave said...

Drum - that's about the long and short of it. My buddy sent me a meme that asked "What are you going to do after the lockdown is over on November 4th?" This is all political theater.