Thursday, February 13, 2014

Rotting from the Head

So the Ohio National Guard decided to have themselves a training event.  I've been in a few training events myself, so I understand their nature and how important they are for the troops to practice what they do.

In just about every training event I've been in, the enemy was from a place with names like "Krasnovia", or "Eastern Nowhereville", or some made up name.  It doesn't really matter what the name is, so long as you get to practice what you do, right?

But what about the motives of the enemy?  After all, the reason you're practicing is to deal with real-world examples of what you would go up against, right?

Well, maybe not.

Documents from an Ohio National Guard (ONG) training drill conducted last January reveal the details of a mock disaster where Second Amendment supporters with “anti-government” opinions were portrayed as domestic terrorists.

The ONG 52nd Civil Support Team training scenario involved a plot from local school district employees to use biological weapons in order to advance their beliefs about “protecting Gun Rights and Second Amendment rights.”

Portsmouth Fire Chief Bill Raison told NBC 3 WSAZ-TV in Huntington, West Virginia that the drill accurately represented “the reality of the world we live in,” adding that such training “helps us all be prepared.”

 You get all that?  2nd Amendment supporters are now domestic terrorists.  And the Army is training to put them down.  And it gets better!

In the disaster-preparedness scenario, two Portsmouth Junior High School employees poisoned school lunches with mustard gas, acting on orders from white-nationalist leader William Pierce.
 So 2nd Amendment supporters are racist terrorists!

Look, these kind of words and images have meaning.  It is training, after all.  And it seems that the Ohio National Guard is training their people to think of pro-Constitution folks as racist domestic terrorists. 

 Apparently last year the Ohio National Guard did the same thing, only with a Left-Wing group.  They apologised for upsetting the liberal snot-wads the very next day.  Because everyone knows that there's no such thing as a liberal domestic terrorist, unless you count Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dorn, Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan (although he may not count since he was Palestinian and they're all just terrorists), Students for a Democratic Society, Weather Underground, Earth Liberation Front, Animal Liberation Front, the shooter from the National Holocaust Museum, and damn near every perpetrator of a mass shooting in the USA in the past three decades.

And everybody knows that Democrats can never be racist, even though they started the KKK, had a Grand Kleagle as a Senior Member of Congress until he finally kicked the bucket (that would be Grand Kleagle Robert C. Byrd), filibustered every civil rights law that came across Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson's desk, (which ended, ironically enough, when he became Vice President and then President and was forced to sign all those bills he had filibustered into law), and can be found today insulting and demeaning any black person who has the balls to step off the Democrat Plantation, just to name a few examples.

Look, someone up the military Chain of Command in Ohio had to approve this.  There is some General or Colonel who looked at this plan and said "Yep!  Looks good!  Go with it!"  And rather than using real world examples of what they might go up against, they decided to indulge in the Democrat American Communist Party wet dream of "Right Wing Domestic Terrorism". 

Well, at least they tipped their hand.



Steve Berven said...

A real "coincidence" that the traits of this mythical enemy seem to dovetail EXACTLY with the rhetoric the progs routinely use to describe the TEA Party, no?

Drumwaster said...

Against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. Even if they are wearing a uniform.

Crotalus said...

I see a self-fulfilling prophecy here. They finally fire on us, we fire back, and the American Communists will have their "right wing terrorists".

Yesiamapirate said...

Uh, Governor Kasich, paging Governor Kasich, your Village Idiot is on line three.............