Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I found this little essay

Via BabyTrollBlog, and it's well worth reading if you want to understand why and how America has fallen.

While conservatives have been working to improve our democracy and our free-market economy, liberals have been working to replace our democracy with a dictatorship, and our free-market economy with a command economy controlled by the government. The liberals couldn't say this aloud, because if they did the American people would have tossed them out of office on their ears. So the liberals worked covertly, feigning support for democracy and for the free market while working diligently to undermine both.

This is why our politics has been so partisan, so vicious, and so deadlocked. This is why words have lost their meaning in Washington, why we can never get to the bottom of anything, why we lurch from one manufactured scandal to another. It's all been part of a decades-long effort by the liberals to throw sand in our eyes -- to keep us from seeing clearly where they really want to take us. (And this explains why, when we question their judgment on some issue, they go berserk and accuse us of questioning their patriotism. They're afraid we're on the verge of catching on. If you want to have some fun, the next time you're chatting with a liberal and he goes nuts when you call him a socialist, say to him: "I'm so sorry you're offended. Please tell me, what is there about socialism you don't like?" You won't get a coherent answer; he'll just accuse you of a hate crime.
Ladies and Gents, this is why the RINOs of the GOP are failing, and failing to get votes. Because they're still operating under the assumption that the opposing party actually wants America to succeed. The Democrat American Communist Party is anti-American by it's very actions, and need to finally be treated as the Domestic Enemies to the Constitution that they are.

Read it all. To defeat the enemy you must first identify him.

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