Monday, February 09, 2004

From the Paratrooper of Love.

Baldilocks rips apart the class warfare warriors who target the military.

The recruiters just want to keep the numbers of inquiries high, which is all they really care about. What the military wants are those smart enough to make their own informed decisions and with enough smarts to learn how to properly operate that multi-million dollar equipment paid for by you-know-who. The military wants the ones who could go to college if they so choose.

In short, the military doesn’t want your crack/meth babies....

I love the sound of a good bitchslapping, properly applied.

Mamamontezz, she of the great English skills, decides to take up math.

Fox News reports that 7 pounds of Cyanide Salt were found during a raid on a house in Baghdad. This house was somehow connected to a person believed to be an operative for Al Qaida. This potential operative was a person suspected of being a minion of Abu Zarqawi, a senior cohort of bin Laden and part of Ansar al-Islam.


How many people could this amount of cyanide salt potentially kill? According to the toxicology information available at Palmer University in Davenport, Iowa, only 7 ten thousandths of an ounce are enough to kill a 150 pound person in minutes. Simple math. Of course, as an English major, someone will probably find grotesque errors in this, but here goes:

0.0007oz. / one ounce=1,428 lethal doses (average sized people potentially killed by an ounce).

1,428 persons x 16 ounces per pound=22,848 potential mortalities per pound.

22,848 persons x 7 pounds=159,936 total potential mortalities.

Gee, good thing we didn't find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, huh?

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