Saturday, February 01, 2020

It's brilliant, and I'm stealing it

From Instapundit.

1 comment:

Drumwaster said...

A guy is out walking along a quiet country road, and hears someone shouting for his attention. He looks around and finally looks up to see a woman in a hot air balloon a few dozen feet up.

She asks him, "Where am I?" He looks at his phone's GPS display and says, "You are currently at 31 degrees, 54 minutes north, 100 degrees, 55 minutes West, at an apparent altitude of 30 feet above ground level."

She glares at him and snaps, "You must be a Republican. You have spoken the exact truth but it does me absolutely no good whatever."

He smiles and said "You, then, must be a Democrat. You don't know where you are, or where you are going, having gotten where you are through the extensive use of hot air. You're in the same position that you were before you asked, but somehow now you think it's my fault."