Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Damn Good Question

From Jules Crittenden.

America is unique in history, a world power that spent precious blood and treasure not to subjugate but to liberate. The United States is the standard bearer of liberty, democracy and free enterprise - the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

How many times can a great nation retreat from inferior forces and remain great? If its people won’t fight for what they believe in, then of what worth are that nation’s values?

I'm praying that the Surrender-Monkey Defeatocrats don't get their wish. But I'm getting a sick feeling in my stomach every time I hear what the Defeatocrats open their mouths.

They've been screaming "VIET NAM!" for years, despite all evidence to the contrary. Now I'm afraid that they're going to turn Iraq into Viet Nam just to say that they were right. And the blood of our troops will once again be spent for no damn reason, other than to satisfy the political wishes of a corrupt, foul, anti-American group of communists and traitors known as "Democrats".

Thomas Jefferson would vomit if he saw what the Party he helped create has turned into.

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