Sunday, September 04, 2022

Tell me again about how the unvaccinated are the problem?



George Mckay said...

I got 2 Pfizer shots and a Moderna booster and regret all 3. My dear wife and I both had what we believe was covid in late 2019 BEFORE they made it public. We lived in RI then and my wife had a "sinus infection" that would not go away. I had a medium flu-like bug. I believe I have far better "immunity" than anything the shots gave me.

Seeing all the bullshit Fraudci and his ilk concocted and spewed to a scared populace I cannot forget or forgive them. He belongs in hell where he can roast for eternity. The drug czars can suck his dick for eternity and oh hell....those revenge fantasies just get so vivid.

Unfortunately, I don't believe he will ever be held to account. They lied to Trump and worse than that got rich from it! Firing the sonofabitch is not near enough. He was/is incompetent (see how he fucked up AIDS) and his talent is bullshit. I see no "legal" resolution to the whole thing. You know what I am talking about right?

Ragin' Dave said...

The one and only thing that keeps me from going all vengeance on their asses is the knowledge that God is going to take care of them in the end. Every little satanic shitbag, from Fauci to Biden to the people running Big Pharma is going to spend eternity burning in hell.