The wife and I are trying to keep our budget from blowing out due to the cost of staying in hotels at night. So we're camping every night. I hadn't even thought of KOA, but damned if they don't do the trick. And it's typically about a quarter of the cost of a hotel.
Yeah, you have to set up a tent. Deal with it. One-fourth the cost. And I'm on a budget. I'm happy.
Heh, I lived in a Louisiana KOA for 8 months when I was in grade school.
Good times. Well, interesting at least.
Did yours have a shower? Mine had showers. Much goodness, especially after a day of driving.
But you had to get there at the right time. For some reason people liked crapping in odd containers - like baseball caps - then leaving them around the restrooms.
No clue.
If you're going to be doing much car camping, take a look at Coleman's Pop-Up tents. They store well in a car trunk, set up and fold down in seconds and are low priced.
Arthur - All those people seemed to have moved to Los Angeles. At least, I'm seeing a lot of that kind of thing around here.
Gerry - just because of everything my wife wants in a tent/camping set-up, I'm leaning away from a standard tent. Whatever I end up with will be pieced together, and most likely fit in a 10X20 carport that we've turned into a tent.
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