Saturday, July 19, 2014


The Ragin' Mrs. and I have been taking several classes that we think may come in handy, even if it's just to impress your friends on a camping trip.

We took classes that taught us how to make cordage from raw materials found in nature.  How to make stone tools.  How to build a shelter out of nothing.  How to find and purify water.  How to start a fire by friction.

Today we're going to learn how to make a bow and arrows.

It's always nice to be prepared.  The ultimate tool you have is your brain; everything else is just accessories.

Update:  Bonus on the day?  Class was full of Boy Scouts doing their Scout thing.  Which meant that I got to spend the day around a whole bunch of polite, well-mannered, engaging teenagers (and their Scout Leaders) as we all learned the same thing.

After living in this festering shithole for two years, it's a joy to meet some folks who are just plain good people.

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