Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oh, for Pete's sake! Part I-don't-know

Look, I'm Catholic. But this kind of thing pisses me off.

Proclaiming a sense of new energy and empowerment, the nation’s Roman Catholic bishops on Wednesday issued instructions to Catholic voters that their eternal salvation could be at stake when they cast ballots.

Bishops emphasized that voters must consider the church’s teachings on abortion and other moral issues when they select a candidate for the White House or any other office. If they don’t, bishops said, it’s not clergy who will judge them but God.

Here's my problem. I firmly believe that the church has no business in politics, other than as a matter of a politician's personal faith. While I faith in the church, I have little to no faith in an individual who dabbles in politics, and any man of the cloth who feels the need to interject himself into a political race immediately earn my suspicion.

The church has dabbled in politics before. The result wasn't pretty. Let the church be the church. They have no need to lower themselves to politics.

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