Seriously. Is there any other way to take this other than the Left is so batshit crazy that they can't even be trusted with a dull pair of scissors? Check this lunatic out - from Huffington Post:
You could argue that even the world’s worst fascist dictators at least meant well. They honestly thought were doing good things for their countries by suppressing blacks/eliminating Jews/eradicating free enterprise/repressing individual thought/killing off rivals/invading neighbors, etc. Only the Saudi royal family is driven by the same motives as Bush, but they were already entrenched. Bush set a new precedent. He came into office with the attitude of “I’m so tired of the public good. What about my good? What about my rich friends’ good?”
How can anyone not see it? It’s not that their policies have been misguided or haven’t played out right. They. Don’t. Even. Mean. Well.
Go read the link. I'll be here, picking my jaw up off the floor.
This is a mainstream Leftist website. This isn't the fringe. This isn't just a few loons, this is representative of the
Holy. Shit. This is not sane. This is not normal. This isn't even in the same damn SOLAR SYSTEM as normal.
Dear God, these people vote! No wonder this country is slowly going to hell in a handbasket!
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