Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I may have to eat some crow

You may remember my recent post about the University of Washington, who rejected a proposal to build a memorial to Pappy Boyington, the WWII Medal of Honor winner. I had some pretty harsh words for the student body of UW.

Now, IU believe that most of what I said was right on cue, but Analog Kid brought this to my attention.

A Resolution in Support of the Right of Military Recruiters to be Present on Campus

WHEREAS the military provides meaningful career opportunities for many students; and,

WHEREAS the military is also the defender of our freedoms and way of life; and,

WHEREAS at the Seattle Central Community College campus military recruiters were attacked by protesters last year; and,

WHEREAS we want to make sure this kind of intolerance does not happen on our campus, therefore


THAT we support military recruiters’ right to be on our campus, and

THAT we support ROTC’s continued right to be present on campus, and

THAT we further support and respect the fine men and women who serve our country.

As far as I'm concerned, the majority of students at the UW are a bunch of wet-diaper commie pinko asscannons, but the student senator who wrote that has balls of solid brass. One, anyone who supports our troops is good in my book. Two, doing this at the UW takes guts. Serious guts. Three, even if this resolution doesn't pass, the sheer "Take your Leftism and shove it up your ass" attitude on display needs to be applauded far and wide.

There might be hope for the UW yet. A small, almost non-existant sliver, but a sliver nonetheless.

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