Sunday, April 18, 2004


I was reading a article by Paul Rosenzweig in which he asks the question "Is the 9/11 commission's credibility at risk?"

Buddy, any credibility the 9/11 commission had is long gone.

One of the architects of the security failures, Jamie Gorelick, actually sits on the commission. Gorelick's exposure as a direct link to the failures of the previous administration undermines the commission's purpose, as she doesn't have to testify, and exposes the Democratic leaders of the commission as partisan hacks more interested in protecting their own hides and attacking Republicans than in actually correcting the problems and failures that allowed September 11th to happen.

Bob Kerry - releasing his own book about September 11th before the commission releases it's findings. Can we say Conflict of Interest? I knew we could. This man is seeking to make money on the very subject he's supposed to be presiding over. The book is probably already written, so that it could be published and on shelves before the commission winds up it's testimony. Any information that disputes his book makes it less valuable. Kerry has a vested interest in ensuring that his pre-decided set of facts are the only facts allowed to see the light of day.

Richard Ben-Veniste - the man has been a Democratic attack dog from the word "go". Washington insiders have dealt with Ben-Veniste's slime for years, but now his lack of anything resembling human decency has been televised for the world to see. His attacks on Condoleezza Rice, performed in such a way that there can be no doubt as to the depths that this man will sink in order to protect his Democratic minders, brought the entire commission to new lows on a daily basis. His attempts to prevent Dr. Rice from even speaking more than one sentence at a time coupled with his undisguised scorn and thinly veiled sexism sank the Democrats in the minds of anyone with room temp IQ.

But it's not just the Democrats who are going down with the ship on this. The Commission Chairman, Republican Thomas Kean, has allowed the gross behavior and slime to continue unabated. His response to the calls for Mrs. Gorelick's resignation, "People ought to stay out of our business", shows the elitism and political protectionism that the entire commission seems to share. Instead of a fact finding mission, we have a commission who's two sides are working towards goals that have nothing to do with the central mission of the entire debacle. The Democrats are hysterically flailing for anything they can use to hurt president Bush, and the Republicans seem to be more interested in keeping the Congressional Boys Club intact from any perceived slight. The entire commission is one horrible joke, from top to bottom. This is the group that's supposed to figure out what happened? Please, spare me.

Here's my prediction: The commission will find nothing new. The only worthwhile activity of the commission will simply be bringing previously known information into the light of day for the rest of the country to see. The Democrats will continue to shriek and gibber about President Bush, culminating in a pre-election day burst of hysteria, and the Republicans will continue to pretend that everything is fine, why should we interupt, ect., ect., ect. And the rest of the country, save for the fringes who actually think that the commission is somehow worthwhile, will go about their business and let their voices be heard in November.

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