Tuesday, April 25, 2023

OK, I just have to quote this

 Since Tucker Carlson is now fired by Fox News (those fucking slack-jawed morons!), here's a quote from him last Friday.

When people, or crowds of people, or the largest crowd of people at all, which is the federal government — the largest human organization in human history — decide that the goal is to destroy things — destruction for it’s own sake, ‘hey, let’s tear it down’ — what you are watching is not a political movement, it’s evil. […] Good is characterized by order, calmness, tranquility, peace…lack of conflict, cleanliness — cleanliness is next to Godliness — […] and evil is characterized by their opposites: violence, hate, disorder, division, disorganization, and filth. So if you are all in on the things that produce the latter basket of outcomes, what you are really advocating for is evil.[…] I think two things: one, we should say that — stop engaging in these totally fraudulent debates where we are using the terms we used in 1991, where…I could win the debate if I marshaled more facts…, and two, maybe we should all take like ten minutes a day to say a prayer about it.

The people in favor of destroying the Constitution and castrating children are evil  Period.  And to have someone recognize that fact?  Yeah, he had to go.  On Rupert Murdock's orders, apparently.  

Fox News just shot themselves in the foot while they were stepping on their dick.


George Mckay said...

Tucker was the reason I stuck with Fox. Now that he is gone so are they. We kept Youtube TV just so I could dvr Tucker and watch the next morning. Now that it won't happen I can save $80 a month.

I have no use for leftists except as doormats. Lachan Murdoch would be a good boot scraper wouldn't he?

Ragin' Dave said...

I bet you're far from the only person who tuned into Fox just to watch Tucker. They shot themselves in the foot while stepping on their dick at the same time.

jeffrey nihart said...

It is much worse .
Too many are playing the "I am the victim game"to justify theier crimes, grift and evil all the while seeing themselves as somehow a better person and their world view is a better place because of their narcissism. it is a holy war.