Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Welcome to the fucking party, pal

 Tinnitus is widespread?  YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY!

Tinnitus -- persistent ringing in the ears that's a potential side effect of COVID-19 vaccination for some people -- affects more than 740 million adults globally, a new study says. And it is perceived as a major problem by more than 120 million people.

Given the sometimes debilitating condition's widespread impact on the population, "greater effort should be devoted to boost research" on tinnitus, concludes the research paper published Monday in JAMA Neurology.

Find me one fucking vet that doesn't suffer from hearing damage.  But now that the jab is causing problems, it's worth spending money on?

Meh.  Maybe I shouldn't get so upset that this kind of crap.  But really....  I want to grab all these people and box their ears.  Maybe the ringing will echo my own.


Francis W. Porretto said...

The shooter's second most-frequently-uttered word is "What?" It's been that way for ages.

Ragin' Dave said...

When my dad did boot camp they didn't bother with earplugs. At least I had earplugs. But still... constant ringing.

Angus McThag said...

We had earplugs when there was firing, but not for simply moving the tanks around.

I was two years in before someone decided that we needed to wear hearing protection in the motor pool when there were vehicles running.