Friday, December 13, 2019

I wish I could vote for this man

Doug Collins of Georgia just dropped a grenade on Nadler the Hutt.


"They care more about getting on TV in the morning than doing their job tonight."


Of course, we all know that this Impeachment sham is a giant load of shit.  We all know it.  They know it.  It's pre-determined.  But they can't even keep their masks on while they do it.

By the way, the optics of Nadler the Hutt sitting next to Doug Collins on TV?  Collins looks fit and rested.  Nadler the Hutt looks like Eddie Munster was eaten by Slimer from Ghostbusters and morphed into a blob that sits on Congressional Committees. 


Anonymous said...

Dayum Dave, that is a disturbing description of the Hutt. I found pics of him with his pants pulled up to his nipples and it was comical as hell. Doesn't this fat bastard know he can wear suspenders and not look like an idiot? Well, less of an idiot than he does. This whole thing is dung and they know it.


Anthoinette Genheimer said...

His pants are up so far above his waist, if he tightens his belt he'll strangle himself.