Monday, November 04, 2019

Damn, I'm tired.

We're past three weeks in a row and working on four.  I damn near bit the head off of someone in the airport last night just for standing too dang close to the baggage carousel, because I couldn't even see my bags coming around.  Do we need to stand right at the edge of the carousel like cattle at a feed trough, hmm?  Apparently, yes.  And people also need to stand in the aisles, re-assembling their crap that they could have been re-assembling for ten minutes while the plane was taxiing to the gate, but no, that would have been to hard, so let's be mouth-breathers and hold everyone up while you rediscover basic motor control.  It's not like I've been cramped in this fucking sardine can for three and half hours.  I certainly don't need to use the latrine at all, no.  Just go ahead and take your time in the middle of the aisle.  Everybody else appreciates it!

Gah.  I bit my tongue so hard last night, on so many occasions, that I might not be able to talk today.


p2 said...

I'm the second kind of people.

Ragin' Dave said...

I think 99% of Alaska is the second kind of people.

p2 said...

Yeah, and we're running outta places. I fully blame the overblown, over dramatized, nowhere-near-reality reality shows from TV and the Intertubes. Welcome to Alaska. Now go home.