Thursday, October 10, 2019

Why are so many "experts" dumpster fires of stupidity and arrogance?

Like Kyle Frese.  We, the Normal People of the USA, pay this garbage employee a shitpot full of money every month to do what, exactly?  Apparently, we pay him a lot of money to travel around the world and bad-mouth this country.

Every time you hold up a government "expert" to the light, what is revealed is a shallow, vapid shell of a human, probably corrupt, definitely incompetent, who holds we Normal Americans in contempt and who never fails to show it.

Power corrupts, but the already corrupt are attracted to power.  The more power that gets concentrated in the shitty cesspool known as Washington D.C., the more corrupt, soul-less assholes flock there in the hope that they get to wield power against Normal Americans.

Kyle Frese is a garbage employee, and I hope he enjoys jail.  It's about damn time that a government employee actually be held to the standards to which they hold us Normal Americans on a regular basis.


alanstorm said...

I have a SERIOUS problem with your headline.

Why are so many "experts" a dumpster fire of stupidity and arrogance?

It should read "Why are so many "experts" dumpster fires of stupidity and arrogance?"

Carry on.

Ragin' Dave said...

Fixed it for ya.

I'd feel bad about the sorry state of my grammar, but I'm on vacation and enjoying bourbon, so you get what you get.

alanstorm said...

Good plan. Drink more bourbon.