Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Why I hate working on engines

So I'm changing out the spark plugs on my bike.  I get the spark plugs.  I go to the store.  I find the right spark plug socket that fits on the spark plugs (18 millimeter!)  I take everything home, and go to pull the old spark plugs.

The FUCKING SOCKET does not fit into the FUCKING CYLINDER enough for me to FUCKING PULL the FUCKING PLUGS.

This is why I hate working on engines.  You can do everything right and shit still won't work out.  Oh, and not a single fucking store where I live has any 18mm spark plug sockets.  I know.  I've wasted time and gasoline checking.

Guess what I'm looking for online now?


p2 said...

those plugs shouldnt be torqued all that hard. take your socket to a grinding wheel and shave it down a bit so it fits into the head. a file or a sanding drum on a dremel will work too.... tool tip from a crusty old airplane wrench.... buy tools at pawn shops. everyone uses used tools. i have a box full of em that i use every day. its cheaper, you can usually find decent gear for a fraction of the cost, snd its not so painful to grind, weld, cut, file, hammer or otherwise modify them to make em do the job. and its cheaper to replace them when you drop them into the water when working on a float plane. (lose a $100 snap-on wrench that way and youll see what i mean.....magnets on strings are magical devices)...

Drumwaster said...

"Guess what I'm looking for online now?"

A new motorcycle?

Ragin' Dave said...

P2 - What is this grinding wheel that you speak of?

In all seriousness, until I'm done moving every three years my shop is going to be quite scarce.

Drum - Ha. Ha. Ha.

Anonymous said...

Dedicated thin-wall sockets are de-rigor for pulling spark-plugs on most engines. In the old days they were found in automotive parts stores; now-a-days, who knows. Somewhere I have a plug wrench for pulling plugs on the old VW flat four. Pretty sure it was 18mm. If you can't find what you need, ping me and I'll see if it's still in the VW tool box.

p2 said...

its the sanding tube.....goes over a compressible mandrel thatll fit in the dremel. slide the tube over the drum, tighten a small screw to shorten the drum length and increase the diameter..think boat drain plug..... lowes has em...(10% off with your id card).

p2 said...

you gotta know someone in a motor poll.... theyll have a bench grinder in the shop with a stone on it thatll shave that socket down .....

Ragin' Dave said...

I borrowed a socket from a guy at work who used to have a business working on motorcycles. They'll all get replaced this morning.