Thursday, July 07, 2016

There might be Americans left

But that doesn't mean there's going to be an America for them to live in.

After the complete and total capitulation of the FBI to the Clinton Crime Syndicate, we can pretty much hang up the rule of law.  Of course, we knew that for a while, didn't we?  It's not like Barack Obama gave a damn about the law.

Marxists hate the law when it stops them from doing what they want to do.  That's why Democrats hate the Constitution so much, and work to destroy it at every turn.  However, once they have corrupted the law?  It's thug government from then on out.  Like the IRS attacking conservatives.  General Petraeus being charged, tied and convicted for handling classified information improperly, but Hillary Clinton, who acted far, far worse and did so maliciously and with intent skates free.

Once again, stock up on ammo.  A thug government rules through force.  The government of the USA has lost any authority to govern, and can now only enforce the laws through threats of violence.  Everyone can see that following the law is a sucker's game now.  When the powerful elitists in D.C. can break the law with impunity, but average Americans are severely punished for just living their lives (see what the EPA does to people who build a stock pond on their property without master's permission!), then it's just a short period of time before the shooting starts.

About the only thing that will reverse this trend is to make the thugs afraid of us.  When a corrupt government thug shows up to enforce the corrupt government rules, they need to just....  disappear.  And the next one.  And the next one.  Until the corrupt government thugs are too afraid to enforce their corrupt government thuggish rules.

But at this point any people who still believe that the government works for us is a blind fool, desperately hoping for a pipe-dream that will never exist. The USA is dead.  Long live the USA.  It's not a question of if, it's just a question of when the shooting will start.  Hillary moves the clock forward.  Trump holds it off for just a little bit.


Anonymous said...

40 plus years ago I swore an oath to uphold and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign AND domestic.
I don't recall ever disavowing that oath......


Drumwaster said...

I've been predicting it for several decades now -- the Second American Revolution will happen before 2025 (at least that is when historians will put the start, like "The Shot Heard 'Round The World".)

Crotalus said...

More like "long live the USSA (United Soviet States of Amerika).

Deserttrek said...

agencies like the epa can be dealt serious blows via jury nullification ..... good people telling the thugs, NO.