Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Oh look -

Yet another spoiled little bitch who hates the country that made her rich.

The worker is then seen in the video placing a fresh batch of donuts on the counter. Grande wasn’t too pleased, however. 
“What the f*** is that?” she said. “I hate Americans. I hate America.”

I don't know who Ariana Grande is, but all I can say is "Show me your tits, girlie, because that's all you're good for".

Heh:  High Profile Hillary Clinton Supporter:  "I Hate Americans.  I Hate America."


Drumwaster said...

If you hate America, pick a direction. There are hundreds of flights leaving every day.

Ragin' Dave said...

Yeah, amazing how these shitheads never actually leave the country they hate. They'll stay here and bitch about it, but they won't leave.

I truly do wish they would leave. I'd help them pack. I'd open the door for them to leave.