Wednesday, August 27, 2014

If George Bush built a "truth" database...

The howls from the Left would be deafening.  But when the Marxist Messiah does it?


It's almost as if all of their protestations during the Bush years were all a sham, y'know?


Drumwaster said...

You forgot all of the other things the JEF is doing that would have drawn cries of "Bring torches and pitchforks!" had Bush even suggested it out loud:

-- the IRS targeting political opponents

-- the NSA eavesdropping on American citizens without warrants

-- Fast and Furious

-- ignoring immigration laws, to the point where the DoJ sued one of the States for trying to enforce Federal laws

-- unilaterally declaring an existing Federal law "unconstitutional" and refusing to enforce it or defend it in court, just because he doesn't like it

-- waging a war in a country without permission, while abandoning an ally to the terrorists

-- murdering American civilians without indictment or trial, and bragging "I'm really good at killing people"

-- failing to pass a single Federal budget since being sworn into office

Ragin' Dave said...

Yep - if the Left actually gave a shit about all the things they cried and whinged at during the Bush years, they would have been going absolutely ape-shit during the Obama years. But we've heard nary a peep.

Which means that they actually approve of all those actions, they just didn't like Bush. The fucking hypocrites.