Sunday, October 07, 2012

Woke up at 0430

To take a piss.  Let the dog out.  Went back to bed, laid awake for an hour, and decided "Fuck it, I'm up."

That's kind of been the story of my life here in SoCal.  I don't think I've slept through the night more than a handful of times.  It's starting to piss me off.


Glenn B said...

I empathize. Insomnia sucks.

Ragin' Dave said...

Insomnia? Nah, only old guys get that, and I can't be tha....

Aw, crap.

MauserMedic said...

Rarely had the problem 'til moving to N. Carolina, then started getting four hours of sleep a night. Used to sleep like I was passed out at Bagram, with jets taking off at all hours of the night. NC, kept waking up every 90 minutes. Still wake up at 0400 every morning.

That's what benadryl is for........