Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oh my....

Gaffetastic Joe Biden, the dumbest piece of shit to ever come out of Delaware, just challenged Paul Ryan on economics.

This oughta be good!

OH DAMN!  "I think the Vice President knows that sometimes the words don't come out of your mouth the way you mean."


18:44 - Biden is desperate - he keeps interrupting Ryan with every sentence.  Ryan can't get a statement out without Biden interrupting him.

Biden acts pissed off.  His handlers obviously told him to get "aggressive".

1902 - I don't think that Paul Ryan was ready for the two minute limit.  Although, it would be fair to say that the two minutes would be a lot longer if Biden the fuckstick didn't keep interrupting.

1907 - this debate moderator would go under the table and give Joe Biden a blow-job if the cameras weren't running.  Hell, she still might.

19:11 -  One phrase that Ryan could use to just destroy Biden's outbursts:  "So how's that working out for you?"

19:16 - Biden just announced that "you don't go through the UN"  What world is he living in?  I'm crocked right now, by the way.  If it weren't for spellcheck, I'd be hosed.

19:21 - Biden says that his religion defines who he is.  What a fucking CROCK OF SHIT!

I'm going to have to call this debate a draw - Biden had his talking points well rehearsed, and they were the progressive, anti-American left talking points.  Ryan spent more time trying to debate policy, and Biden kept interrupting him.  Biden stuck with his strong points - brainless, bumper-sticker logo bullshit.    Ryan kept trying to bring it back to policy, and Biden "D-O-G spells Dog!" avoided anything that might require complex thought.

I wish Ryan would have done better.  But when Obama lays out the gutless fucking performance, Biden only has to be half-competent to salvage the day.  I wish the Paul Ryan to eviscerated Obama in the Obamacare debates had shown up.

UPDATE:  Seems I might have been a bit pessimistic.


Windy Wilson said...

19:21 Biden says that his religion defines who he is. What a fucking CROCK OF SHIT!
He sure is one. His religion of course is Leftism, the most dynamic of all religions in history, more so than even radical Islamism or Scientology. His religion defines who he is, and as a result, he is a stinking, reeking crock of shit. Everything he or others through their religion touch, turns to shit. Civil Rights is now an assortment of favors. The list could go on, but I have to go make more Joe Biden, if you'll excuse me.

Ragin' Dave said...

You know, in that context, it makes sense.