Thursday, October 13, 2011

The "value" of education

Look, don't think that I'm some anti-education hick from the sticks.  I'm not.  I firmly believe in an education that will improve you as a person, help you make good decisions in your life, and increase your ability to get a job and earn money.

Problem is, the traditional university doesn't seem to do a very good job of that right now.  Every photo I've seen of the Occupy Wall Street losers and rif-raf has then with their pouty face on, holding a paper whereupon they scrawl their woes that always, invariably crying about their thousands upon thousands in student debt, and how they can't get a job.

Cry.  Me.  A.  River.

Here's part of the problem - college doesn't prepare you for the real world.  I would take a PFC from the Army who's done one tour on Active Duty before I would take a newly minted college graduate.  The PFC knows how to take orders, probably knows how to give orders, can work as a team, work independently, and has the discipline needed to buckle down and get the job done.

Looking at the Occupy Wall Street whiners and hippies, they know how to smoke a bong and complain that people aren't giving them enough free shit.

The other part of the problem - universities and colleges exist not to provide a complete education, but to provide jobs for various professors, administrators, and other groups of people who couldn't get a job in the real world.  Unless you're dealing with the hard sciences, which due to their proximity to reality are less inclined to put up with the kind of bullshit that creates "Womyn's Studies".  I've seen a documentary that was supposed to be about how hard it is for college graduates to find a job, and they interviewed some woman with a degree in Film Studies.

Film.  Fucking.  Studies.

Can anyone tell me just what the number of "Film Studies" jobs are out there?  I'm guessing not a whole lot, but this woman wanted to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to get a degree in Film Studies, and now she can't find a job?  And this is my fault how?  This is society's fault how?  We're not the ones who made her get a degree in Film Studies.  Had she asked me, I would have told her "Gee, that's a nice hobby, but what are you going to do to get a job?" 

Look, I love history, I'm looking at getting a degree in history, but I don't expect to get a job from that degree.  That degree is for me.  For my personal education, and to make me happy.  Nobody is going to hire me just because I have a history degree.  I need other skills to get a decent paying job, skills which I have because I've lived in the real world while many of my compatriots seem to still be living in a dream world where they get paid what they think they're worth even though they haven't acquired any real job skills.

Oh, and I'll get my degree from someplace other than a traditional brick-and-mortar college.  I don't have enough money to waste on incubators of socialism and groupthink.


Goober said...

Fuckin' A brother. There is this idea that these folks seem to have that society "owes" them a job in whatever field they want to be in, and that that job that they are "owed" needs to pay them enough to support whatever lifestyle they want to live while working what is essentially a hobby.

I wanted a degree in forestry and marine biology. That was my true calling. It is what I still would rather be doing. But you know what? There aren't any jobs in either one of those fields, so i got my degree in Engineering and COnstruction management. My student loans are paid off and I have a good paying job.

I cannot understand how you get a degree in "bitter womyn's studies" and expect to have a job, and blame society for not providing you with a job doing whatever you want. How did we get here? How did we become such an entitled bunch of whiners that we all think we should be able to do whatever we want whenever we want and everyone else should foot the bill?

Don't these people look at their parents and consider whether their parents really "wanted" to do the jobs that they did? I know my Dad would have rather spent his time doing other things than planning telephone plant for 32 years. But those things he wanted to do didn't provide jobs. He never whined or protested about that. He just went to work every day and supported his family like a man.

Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

"Collage" (pronounced "collazhe"): An art form usually using more than one medium on a canvas.

"College": school of higher learning, above high school.

Just thought you'd want to know, since you are waxing eloquent about education. :-)

Ragin' Dave said...

And that's why you get paid the big bucks. Every now and then hitting "Post" while you're still steaming bites you in the ass.

Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

I wish I WERE getting paid the big bucks.

MauserMedic said...

4 years for an undergraduate degree in Liberal Arts, followed by one year at Ft Sam Houston and Fort Lost In The Woods for a civilian certified education in being an x-ray tech. Guess which one paid for my house.