Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Taken on my way to work

Hey dude, look at my car!  The wheels are cambered, which means I can go fast or something like that!  Yeah, man!  My car ROCKS, dude!

Every time I see a car with the wheels cambered at that extreme an angle, I automatically assume that the driver is a douchebag of the highest order.  I haven't been wrong yet.  It's like slapping a giant sticker on your car that says "WARNING!  Driver has a massive attitude problem caused by his tiny little penis!"


  1. Anonymous1/10/15 12:08

    Any idea what this is supposed to accomplish, other than wearing out tires?

  2. It's supposed to be for better handling while taking curves at high speeds.

    However, take a gander at the tires on a NASCAR auto. They're not cambered near at that extreme an angle, and they take curves a hell of a lot faster than little rice-rocket rider there.

  3. Hey -- Not fair...Being a gun owner/firearms enthusiast I have the small penis...Not those guys..../

  4. I don't know about all that. I carry a gun because I'm compensating for not being able to carry a cop in my back pocket.


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