Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Hunter was banging a Chinese spy

 Of course he was.  Of course.

It was worse than we thought. It turns out that Hunter Biden’s drug enslavement, sex addiction, and penchant for Russkie hookers didn’t stop there. It was probably worse than his hinky “big guy” business deals, diamond “gifts,” and unearned Ukrainian paydays. There was a Chinese spy involved. Just like Democrat Eric Swalwell’s Fang Fang.

Hold on, I’ve got to catch my breath.

Be honest: You thought it would be that Putin inserted, so to speak, hookers who would double back and sting the first son.  But those chickens haven’t come home to roost — at least as far as we know. Over to you, FBI.

No. It turns out that the sex slave son of the president, just like his Dad-showering sister, lived for the next conquest that could not satisfy the kinkiest porn fantasies. So, kinky Hunter had a Chinese honey-on-the-side “secretary” who was the wide-open gateway to “billions” of largesse.

But the FBI is going after a pro-life guy who protected his son from some psycho asshole outside an abortion clinic.

At this point, I could find out that Hunter was being bent over by Xi and personally assfucked in order to get Drooling Joe more money.  And of course to infiltrate the US, just as they did at the nuke lab where China just called home 162 of their spies.

No, that's not a joke.  

People in D.C. and other places of power need to be hung for this.


  1. Oh you are too kind. They need to be flayed and turpentine poured in the wounds and rinse, repeat and repeat.

    Then, just for shits and giggles lets break a few legs and make him walk a bit.

    I know then we could draw and quarter them but, that might be considered humane and THEY are not humane or fair or just so just shoot the fuckers and be done with it.

  2. We could also just ship them to China permanently and let them enjoy all the comforts of said country. They can see how much the CCP appreciates them when they're no longer useful.


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