Sunday, September 05, 2021

The media's only job is to lie to you

 Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over......

After Joe Rogan announced that he'd kicked Covid in just a few days using a cocktail of drugs, including Ivermectin - an anti-parasitic prescribed for humans for over 35 years, with over 4 billion doses administered (and most recently as a Covid-19 treatment), the left quickly started mocking Rogan for having taken a 'horse dewormer' due to its dual use in livestock.

Rolling Stone's Jon Blistein led the charge:

Rolling Stone, Rolling Stone....  hey, isn't that the hack magazine full of shit people who got their asses sued off for completely fabricating a story about a frat house at U of Virginia?  Why yes, yes it is.  And keeping in true form, when it comes to their Ivermectin overdose story, it's completely made up bullshit as well.

I want you to think about how much hatred is being directed at a life-saving drug with decades of use in humans.  Why is all of that coming down on Ivermectin?  BECAUSE IT WORKS.  It works, and it would blow the entire vaccine scam out of the water.  And since we have at least nine new billionaires in Big Pharma thanks to the not-vax, and plenty of other people making millions upon millions of dollars from the not-vax, it's in their best interests to block any evidence that other drugs might work to knock out the Kung Flu.  Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc, anything that would interrupt the flow of money into the bank accounts of the politically connected must be demonized and shunned.

But it's all lies.  Lies from all the same people who have been lying to you since this scamdemic started.


  1. It’s ALWAYS about the money. Never forget that. There is not one induhvidual in public service who has anyone’s best interest in mind other than their own.

  2. There's some Heinlein quote about when public "servants" become public masters....

  3. "In a mature society, 'civil servant' is semantically equal to 'civil master.'"


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