Saturday, February 22, 2020

Maybe the reason they want to disarm you is because then they can really do what they want to you.

I mean, given that incidents of Leftist rage and aggression are increasing, it's only logical that they would want you defenseless and unable to fight back.

According to police in Hobart, Indiana, a northwestern Indiana couple suffered a bout of road rage when they spotted two teenage boys with Trump flags attached to their bicycles. Their response was to run them off the road, potentially endangering the lives of the two minors, who are twins.

They attempted to run over to boys on bikes because of a Trump flag.

A flag.

The Left hates you and wants you to die.  Prepare accordingly.  Buy more ammo.


  1. Deserttrek22/2/20 16:03

    Read the article, those two belong behind bars for a long time. I doubt this is their first time as law breakers or worse.
    I would think attempted murder should be charged too

  2. Attempted murder should be the base of what they're charged with.

  3. Remember how long I have been predicting a Second American Revolution/Civil War not later than 2025, for longer than I was blogging, and in fact, dating back to the late 70s?

    You would, if anyone, as you and I have known each other for the better part of two decades by now.

    2025. I see no reason to change that prediction, and much to think I might have been too cautious.

  4. Drum - I've been eyeballing the political field after Trump leaves office, and it scares me quite a bit. Barring a large political shift, I don't see this country lasting much further than what you say.

    And if assholes like Northam in Virginia and other various socialist dipshits keep pushing for a bugaloo, they'll get one.


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