Thursday, January 09, 2020

Make them bleed! More!

CNN has already settled with Nick Sandmann from the Covington Catholic High School.  Now the Covington kids are going after more of the Leftist mob that defamed them, slandered them, libeled them and threatened them.

One day after news broke that CNN settled a defamation lawsuit on behalf of Covington Catholic teen Nick Sandmann, Robert Barnes announced he had sued author, producer, and show host Reza Aslan for Aslan's tweet describing Sandmann's face as "punchable." The lawsuit, which Barnes provided to PJ Media, would slap Aslan with a minimum of $135,000 in damages.

More, please.  There are quite a few people named in the suit, and they all deserved to be sued into bankruptcy and abject poverty.  The Left is so evil and stupid that the only thing that will prevent them from ganging up on innocent kids is pain.  Lots and lots of pain, via the loss of millions of dollars to the kids that they defame and slander.  If these people had any standards, any morals, or anything resembling a soul, they would have actually watched the entire video of the event before calling the Covington Catholic High School kids racist on a nation-wide scale.  But CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and all the various national celebrities don't have standards, morals, or souls, so they attacked those kids relentlessly.  Make them pay.  Make them bleed.  Make them cry and whine and snivel and beg for mercy, and then make them bleed again.  Take their houses, take their fancy cars, take everything that they hold dear, turn them out into the street with only the clothes on their backs and send them packing.  Because then maybe, just maybe, they'll be an example for the next Leftist who wants to spew their shitty, uninformed opinion on the airwaves.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/1/20 16:01

    My only hope is it is enough to cause them some REAL pain. Of course they probably have insurance but perhaps this will increase premiums? I sure hope so.



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