Thursday, December 12, 2019

Every day is another reason to not trust the government.

Forget jail.  People need to be tarred and feathered, instead of still working for the FBI after they willfully forged a document in an attempt to send an innocent man to jail.

So that's a big problem. If Carter Page is a CIA/NIS asset, then they can't use his contact with Russians as evidence for a FISA warrant against him. 
So what's the DOJ/FBI response? 
Well, a lawyer there -- Kevin Clinesmith -- deliberately changes the response of the organization from "Carter Page is a source" to "Carter Page is not a source," and sends this forged, fraudulent evidence along to the court as part of the FISA application. 
This is CRIMINAL. They were specifically told by the agency involved that Page was a source and therefore had a very good and legal reason to have contact with Russians, but this guy forged the email, altering it to say he was not a source and so reported to the court that Page had no good reason to talk to Russians. 
And here's the kicker: 
He still works for the FBI! 
Because of course he does. 
Because Christopher "Straight-Shooter" Wray.

So a guy who broke the law in an attempt to block the election of someone he didn't like is still working for the Federal Government.

You want to know how a whole lot of middle-class folks fighting to keep their jobs in this country feel about that?  Well, how's about the phrase "President Donald Trump"?  Trump got elected precisely because there are too many corrupt, anti-American assholes like this Kevin Clinesmith who shit all over this country and still get a paycheck from tax dollars.  We elected Trump to kick shitstains like Kevin Clinesmith out the door.  And that's why he'll get re-elected in 2020.  Because the anti-American shitstains are still there, still destroying this country, and being protected by Deep State Swamp Dwellers like IG Horowitz.  The fact that Horowitz can sit there and make the claim that only errors and mis-statements were made is a pathetic joke in and of itself, when every single one of us with a real job knows that if we had made those errors and mis-statements we'd be in jail.  Not maybe in jail  Jail-jail.  Breaking big rocks into little rocks for the rest of our lives, while shitty little ass-nuggets like Kevin Clinesmith sip wine in Washington D.C. and laugh about how they blatantly lied to a FISA court and are still enjoying the good life.

Only someone completely ignorant of life would call those errors or mis-statements instead of the blatant violations of the law that anyone with half a brain can see.  Since IG Horowitz is presumably not ignorant about life, I have to presume that he's just as corrupt as that shitty little fuckstain Kevin Clinesmith, who needs to spend the rest of his life getting ass-raped in a jail cell by Bubba until he can shit a bowling ball without even grunting.


  1. Were I to falsify documentation, the FAA's (Friends Against Aviation) wording for exactly what this tool did, not only would I go to jail, I'd lose my mechanic's license. That means I lose my job, my career and any potential to work in this field again. Plus fines,

  2. You and me both. I'd lose my security clearance. No clearance, no job. No job, no retirement. I'd be out on my ass faster than you could say "Sandy Berger".


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