Sunday, July 14, 2019

The sin of the day: Bearing False Witness

Exhibit A:  Evita Guevera-Castro

There's only one reason why AOC wanted to take the oath: for dramatic effect. This wasn't meant to help anyone else; it was merely to raise her own profile. Sad. Pathetic. Ridiculous. 
To make matters even worse, the radical New York congresswoman then proceeded to repeat obvious lies:

If the GOP was smart (pause for hysterical laughter to die down) they would hang AOC around the Democrat party's neck on every single election around the country, with the tag line "Do you want HER in charge?"  Landslide for Republicans if they did.


  1. Damn fine idea! Maybe I'll actually campaign time around...or at least tell someone I am. May I use that? (credit: Ragin' Dave. 2019. used by permission. Actual mileage may vary. Future performance not guaranteed.) I can add it to my standard " Just as bad a job for way less money. Lowering the deficit one vote at a time." (Disclaimer: There is no way on Earth I'd ever take that job.)

  2. I'm with ya. The first time I had to refer to Evita Guevera-Castro as "honorable" I would vomit.


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