Wednesday, July 31, 2019

It's time to wash the Jesuits down the drain of history

Since they're no longer really interested in promoting Catholicism, or even sanity.  Jorge Bergolio is a Jesuit, and if he were only an outlier you could forgive the order for having a loon or two pop into the public light.  But James Martin, Eth Jay, the homosexual priest pushing for open homosexuality in the Catholic Church, is also a Jesuit.  And the various Jesuit institutions of higher learning that have failed to actually uphold any kind of Catholic values?

Once is an accident.
Twice is coincidence.

Three times is enemy action.

Hundreds and hundreds of times is a converged order that no longer recognizes the supremacy of God, but instead is full of narcissistic, evil men who don't actually believe any of what the Church teaches.

If the Jesuits fell off the face of the earth tomorrow, the Catholic Church would be far better off than it is now.


  1. A number of years ago I did the Ignatian Retreat in Everyday Life at Gonzaga which lasts about a year. I can firmly attest to the fact that the Jesuits are bat-shit crazy.

  2. My priest in Louisiana actually had a good dissertation on why the Jesuits have lost their collective marbles. I wish I could remember it, but the bottom line is that the Jesuit order, as a whole, is nuttier than squirrel turds.


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