Friday, January 25, 2019

OK, so maybe I'm not on much of a break

Because this shit has my dander up.

At any rate, I have some advice for Sandmann: it wouldn’t have mattered. If Sandman had somehow managed to walk away from Phillips, one (or more) of these things would have almost certainly resulted: Sandmann would have been criticized for disrespecting Phillips by walking away, and/or Phillips would have followed him beating that drum all the while, and/or Phillips would have focused the same technique on another boy.

This whole act that the Democrat-Media complex is putting on, that the kids in D.C. did something wrong, has just gotten me to the point that I want to see every single media outlet that pushed this bullshit line destroyed and reduced to ashes and rubble.  And Nathan Phillips, that lying bastard, should be in jail for the damage he's caused to those kids lives with his lies and bullshit.  Neo is right, it wouldn't have mattered if that kid walked away or stood there or whistled Dixie.  Philips was looking for a reason to scream racism, and there was nothing those kids could do that would have prevented it.  He was going to get his racism charge no matter what, and the media ran with it, just like Phillips knew they would do.

I hope those kids and their families sue the fucking bastards into the ground.  I hope CNN goes bankrupt, along with MSNBC and every other outlet that trashed those kids based off of 30 seconds of a 90 minute video. 

1 comment:

  1. Chief Stolen Valor is a liar. Ace has shredded all of his claims, but to sum up:

    His claim to be a Vietnam Veteran is only true to the point that he was a Vietnam-ERA veteran. He was stationed in Nebraska as a refrigerator repairman, and mustered out as a Private. Even Gomer outranked him.

    He walked up to a bunch of kids that were already being verbally abused by a racist group throwing racist taunts AT KIDS (specifically the one black student from Covington who was peacefully interacting with his white fellows) and beating his war drum inches from the face of a white kid who was doing nothing but smiling, while others behind him were openly asking "Do you know what's going on? What's happening?". The "chants" the students were performing were SCHOOL CHEERS.

    His claim to have heard them chanting "Build the wall" was disproven by people who watched all of the videos, and not one heard anything remotely mentioning any wall. Much like the disproven BS back in '07 about the black Man standing next to Nansi Palsi with her oversized gavel being spit upon. Every step of that clown parade was recorded from multiple angles, and no one could find a single frame depicting what was alleged.

    It was a libel against private citizens with many of them now doubling down and opening themselves up to seven- or eight-digit punitive damages.


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