Friday, April 20, 2018

Remember Brandon Eichs? Welcome to the new rules

There are people saying that the far-left, snorting hate-beast who teaches at Fresno State shouldn't get fired for what she said about Barbara Bush's death.  And there are plenty of conservative reasons why a person shouldn't get fired for their grossly ignorant, hate-filled tweets.

But while Jarrar is facing calls to be terminated, she attracted support from multiple advocacy organizations and professors who defended her right to free speech.
“Jarrar’s tweets are unquestionably protected speech under the First Amendment and Fresno State has no power to censor, punish, or terminate Jarrar for them,” Adam Steinbaugh, senior program officer for FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education), said in a statement to Fox News. 
FIRE also joined other free speech advocacy groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, in opposing the university’s decision to investigate Jarrar, saying it conflicts with the First Amendment.
Normally, I would agree with FIRE on this.  However....

The rules do not apply equally to both sides.  Not yet.  When the CEO of a company can be hounded out of his position not for any public statements he made, but for donating to a political cause that the Left didn't like, then this blubbery, bloated abscess can and should be hung out to dry for what she said publicly.

If the Left doesn't like their rules, then they shouldn't be forcing everyone else to play by them.  And until the Left feels the sting of the rules they demand for the Right, then they'll continue marching through public and private institutions demanding that everybody bow to them and their rules.  Well, watching this corpulent canker-sore get fired might just make some people on the Left figure out that their rules can be applied both ways, and they won't like living by their own rules.

These are not rules that the Right has come up with.  They are entirely created by Leftism, and dammit, the Left should be held to them the same as any conservative would be.  So, sorry not sorry to the Fat Festering Fuckhead of Fresno State.  Conservatives have lost their jobs for far less.  Time for the Left to enjoy the rules they have established.

They were warned that they would not like their rules.  They didn't give a shit as long as they could attack conservatives without repercussion.  That time is now over.

1 comment:

  1. Deserttrek21/4/18 06:33

    The comments regarding Barbara Bush are reprehensible, but I do agree are within her right.
    Not acceptable , tying herself to the college, which may be borderline

    00% unacceptable and should be criminal, the giving out of the Crisis Center phone number. That is what the ***** should be fired for and prosecuted if possible.


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