Monday, January 22, 2018

Yes, I think TCH has medical uses

Ol' Rodger gives a summation of a creme that he used on his knees.

Two weeks ago I was in for my scheduled silicone injection and showed my knee guy the little jar.  Oh, did you notice the THC ingredient label?  THC is the chemical in pot that delivers the feel goods, as I understand it.  Doctor X noticed it immediately, and was intrigued.  While he'd never heard of this particular application, he said that the governing body of his medical discipline had been studying the THC thing, but had made no recommendation.  But, he implied that I should continue the experiment  and keep him informed. 

I have no doubt that THC can have medical benefits.  Let me just lay that out there right now.  If you are using TCH for medical purposes, I think you should be able to do so.

I know, for such a guy who's anti-drug, what the hell, right?

If people can gain some benefit from the medical use of marijuana, I have no problem with that.  It's the people who get stoned all day every day that I object to.  Red wine can benefit cardiovascular health.  That doesn't mean I think it's OK to drink four bottles a night.  People who use THC for medical purposes should be able to do so.  The question then becomes how can we allow people to use THC for medical purposes without enabling those who just want to get intoxicated all day?  I worked with a gent who had glaucoma.  He used THC drops in his eyes to preserve his eyesight.  But, and this is the key, he was not getting stoned off of his medicine.  He was using it for a completely medical purpose.

Just like a lot of the painkillers out there, if you abuse them, then you're an addict with an issue.  Ands I think that the vast majority of people arguing for "medical" marijuana only want it to get high.  I would never suggest that someone guzzle four or five bottles of red wine a day for "heart health".  Neither would I suggest that someone just get high for "medical reasons".  Having a drink at the end of the day helps me relax.  But if I drink the whole bottle, that's certainly not helpful or relaxing. 

Your thoughts in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Drumwaster25/1/18 01:21

    Dude. You know me. I was a General Contractor, and ran my own construction company. I have made intelligent, cogent arguments for more than a decade, in your own personal experience.

    I am not a dopehead.

    But I have been using medical marijuana for more than 20 years. It enables me to operate with the pain from arthritis and fibromyalgia in ways that the heavier pain pills prescribed for the pain could not. I have not drank so much as my first sip of beer. Ever. But I am able to titrate the pain moderation dosage as needed through my day in ways that the fixed pill dosages (even chopped into equal bits) do not permit.

    The 21st Amendment was the message that the American people would not accept top-down banning of a substance that can literally be made in one's own home. It returns the issue of the control of such substances to the States and counties to decide for themselves, as the residents thereof may choose. The analogy is exact.

    The Feds should NOT be involved in controlling/banning/regulating the medicinal or recreational use of marijuana, just as they are (now) Constitutionally prohibited from interfering with alcohol.

    Keep your powder dry. Things are going to turn ugly by and by. Not because of marijuana, but despite. Just another facet of States Rights.


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