Thursday, December 21, 2017

Winter Solstice is tonight

I don't attach any kind of mystical or religious meaning to it.  What it means to me is that we get more daylight every day for 180 days. 


  1. that whole more sun each day is kinda a big deal up here..... works out to just shy of an hour extra a week....

  2. Yep. I'm tired of running in the dark in the mornings. I'd like to be able to see more than what my flashlights show.

  3. proven fact that runnin pounds your brain cells to mush...... oh yeah, thats how they get you army guys to didnt get the Type II, Mark A, Eyeball, Night Vision Capable, upgrade? wait, the VA wont approve that........

  4. True story - I went to get Lasik. Had the contacts out for a month, got all the exams, doc came in and said "Well, we can do it, but...." Basically my eyes are fucked. It would have required multiple surgeries, lots of time in-between each surgery, yada yada yada. I asked the doc if THEY would do all of that to their eyes. They looked at me and said "Not a chance".

    So, I'll be wearing contacts and glasses until I die.

  5. had my eyes overhauled about 8 years ago..... was 20/750 when i walked in, 20/15 an hour later. had to learn anatomy via the braille system....


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