Friday, December 08, 2017

I agree with Vox

If you're "shaken and scared" over someone flying the American flag IN AMERICA, then you're not really American, no matter where you may have been born.  Sarah Silverman cares more about being Jewish than she does about being American.  So maybe she can fuck off to Israel, or some other country.  She doesn't need to stay here.


  1. Who ARE these Jews who have forgotten "never again"? My grandpa left his native Ukraine to escape the Pogroms, my father fought the fascists in the Pacific and Atlantic. While not Jewish myself, I certainly respect Israel's right to exist as a Jewish State, which means I DISrespect those who line up against that. I plan to actually DEFEND the Jews like Silverman who "take a knee" instead of a rifle in the IDF.

    Never Again.

  2. Deserttrek9/12/17 06:51

    The vox folks need a dose of reality, based on what I read. Religion, spiritual beliefs, etc, is not race, and does not determine nationality or loyalty. The tribes of Israel in the Bible have long been diluted. Seems many of the vox folks have a problem dealing with such logic.

    While not a fan of john kennedy, lets all remember the "fears" he would take orders from the pope

    silverman is a mental case, that is clear. Pelosi calls herself a good Catholic, she is also a mental case too.

  3. But Silverman obviously considers herself a Jew before she considers herself an American. That's not Vox saying that, that's me, looking at her bullshit soliloquy, and figuring it out for myself. So she can fuck right off to where ever she wants to go, so long as it's not here.


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