Friday, June 23, 2017

In case you didn't know

Basset Hounds snore.  Great dogs, love 'em to death, friendly as all get out, love to hang out on the couch, but holy cow snoring.

We're dog sitting for some friends.  Luckily as I said, he hangs out on the couch and not in the bedroom.  Because I couldn't sleep with this under my bed all night long.


  1. Deserttrek23/6/17 09:17

    don't know about basset hounds. had a Malamute hybrid who would snore some, but preferred to sleep under vents or the bathtub in the summer. his biggest issue was farting when he got older, asleep and awake. 90lb dog gas will wake you up , be it the noise or the smell. I swear he would laugh by wagging his tail when told him it was nasty

  2. You think Bassets snore? Try a Newfoundland. A 150 lb. tugboat on four paws.

  3. Yeah, but I expect a floor-shaking snore out of a big dog. This thing wasn't more than 50 pounds, and we could hear him from the other side of the house, one floor down.

  4. They also sit in your recliner and look at you with big, sad, soulful eyes when you point out that it's YOUR chair. They move. Then wait for you to get up before they take it back.


  5. Toastrider25/6/17 17:46

    Bassets are wonderful dogs, but their body type lends a certain... reverb... to any vocalizations. I could feel my old buddy's bark in my -ribcage-.


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