Friday, March 17, 2017

Saint Patrick's Day

So here's my particular little bit of aggravation:  It's Lent.  I'm Catholic.  We can't eat meat on Fridays.

Yeah.  So much for the corned beef.  Although since Ireland happens to be an ISLAND, they have quite a few good seafood recipes.  So we're going with that.

Have some music.

And here's a song I've posted time and time again, and it never gets old.


  1. I'd rather have my St. Paddy's corned beef on Sat. anyway - which is our plan.

  2. There's a dispensation! At least, that's what my diocesan bishop has said. Enjoy your corned beef.

  3. YOUR bishop has given dispensation. Mine hasn't. Bishops can only dispense the parishioners they cover. It's not too bad. The Mrs. has found a good fish and chips recipe, we're having Jameson's to start the night and we'll finish it with black and tans.

    There will be corned beef tomorrow, trust me on that.

  4. My favorite version of Danny Boy is Eva Cassidy's. You can hear it free on YouTube.


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