Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dear Trump Fans

Look, I get it.  I understand plenty of the motivation you have for wanting Donald Trump to get the nomination.

But why do so many of you have to turn into shrieking, hysterical fan-girl liberals about it?

When I point out that Cruz has been standing up to the Donks and the GOP establishment for years, and that I think he'd do better than Trump in fighting against the establishment, the response I get 75% of the time is "YOU CUCKSERVATIVE!"

Well alrighty then, you hysterical little bitch!  Gosh, way to win THAT argument!

I don't know what it is.  Maybe these folks were already half in the loony-bin, and Trump pushed them over the edge.  Maybe they don't care.  Maybe they just want to destroy the GOP, and believe it or not I can understand that sentiment, as I've written that same sentiment here on this blog multiple times.

But losing your shit like a pissy little five year old and throwing a Trumper-tantrum on fellow conservatives....  well, let me amend that:  Throwing your little Trumper-tantrum against conservatives only proves that you're just another emotion-driven liberal bitch.

And you should be treated as such.  So that's how I'm going to start treating you.

If your automatic response to a dialectic challenge is rhetoric, then you're no better than a Bernie Sanders supporter.  It's that simple.


  1. i dunno, Dave.... i have a gut feeling our boy Ted is just gonna be another placating, weaselly little fop once he gets elected. i like the guy, but i dont think he has the stones to get the job done. Don's just crazy enough to do exactly what he says he will, diplomacy and politics be damned. Ronnie was the same way. he was a certifiable nutjob, but he surrounded himself with really smart people and he used them well. Don's made and lost and remade a few fortunes and ya just cant do that by being weak & stupid. He dosent have a chance coz he won't play nice with the other kids and the powers that actually run things wont let it happen. That its ownself may finally rend things assunder. Im votin for me. i'll take 1/3 the pay. the country gets just as bad a job for a third the cost and i'm already cuttin government spending the first day out the gate...... i'll hire a single mom of 3 kids working two jobs to be treasury. you want eleventy billion dollars for a new fighter that sucks ass? Go ask mom. Couple thugs from Jersey as defense. "Joes?", I'd say, " It wouldn't bother me to hear that the head of isis had an accident this morning....." and whaddaya know..... thats the whole damn federal government.

  2. Cruz isn't perfect, but he had the stones to stand on the Senate floor and call McConnell out for being a liar, which is far above what any of the other Republican running could say. I just haven't seen Trump show a grasp of anything other than how to piss off the right people.

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for pissing off the right people. But it has to be followed up with something solid, because sooner or later you're going to run out of people to piss off. Or, you're just pissing off the same folks over and over, and that doesn't get you anywhere.

    And I'd vote for ya.

  3. yup.... its a sad state of affairs.... hell, vote bernie. hes got a shortcut to killin the country in 3 years. then whoevers left can get on with rebuildin......

  4. I lost all of my respect and trust for Ted Cruz when he started to adopt the langauge of Liberal SJWs in his attacks on Donald Trump about a month ago. He has been blaming Trump for the violence committed by the loony Marxist & BLM people at his rallies and he went full SJW with the phony Michelle Fields incident. Cruz is basically on the same spectrum as Rubio, Kasich, Jeb, etc. He hasn't made Political Correctness the enemy like Trump has. He is also uncharismatic and largely unelectable.


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