Monday, June 29, 2015

Ragin' Dave's Quote of the Day, Consequences edition

White Christian conservative attachment to the Constitution and traditional American ideals such as representative democracy are consequences of their deeper attachments. Once those connections severed, they are simply a larger, more dedicated, more effective, and better-armed group playing the game of power. I tend to doubt post-democracy is going to be all that those celebrating it now believe it will be.

He quotes John Adams in the previous paragraph as well.  The people now celebrating the destruction of the rule of law have no idea the hell that they've unleashed.  It was the rule of law that kept them safe.  They, being brainless fucktards of the highest order, thought that history could never apply to them, and attacked the very society that holds things together.

All it takes is a few good shooters, a powerful enough rifle, and the electrical grid goes down.  Tell me, how long until the liberals start to eat each other in their cities, far away from all the things they need to keep living their comfortable lives?


  1. alanstorm29/6/15 13:02

    No link?

  2. Link added. Sorry about that, too much blood in my coffee stream this morning.

  3. alanstorm30/6/15 06:11

    "Sorry about that, too much blood in my coffee stream this morning."

    It happens, despite our best efforts.

  4. Personally I prefer Mike Vaderbough's(sipseystreetirregulars) "One Hundred Heads" solution. Much less messy...


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