Thursday, April 24, 2014

If you support Illegal Immigration, then by extension, you also support the rape of those female illegal aliens

This would not exist without the pipeline for illegal aliens to come to the USA - therefore, by aiding and abetting illegal immigration, you are also aiding and abetting the rape of female border-jumpers.

As a priest in the town of Altar, near the Arizona border, the Rev. Prisciliano Pedraza sees migrants stocking up on supplies such as food, water and medicine for treacherous treks through the desert. 
But he sees female migrants stocking up on something else: contraceptives, which they take preventatively to protect themselves against sexual violence all too common as they make the journey through Mexico to the United States. 
“The women passing through here know that they’re going to be raped,” said Father Pedraza, director of a shelter for migrants in Altar.

It's really, really simple - when you accept, allow and support an action to occur, you are accepting, allowing and supporting all the 2nd, 3rd and 4th order of effects from that action as well.  Which in this case means the rape (and sometimes murder) of females who are trying to illegally cross the USA/Mexico border.

When I say "Dammit, I'm eating that banana sundae!", I'm also accepting the 2nd order of effect that I'm going to get fat from that sundae unless I run it off.  I support X action, and X action leads to Y and Z effect.  Therefore, I support Y and Z effect.  And if I don't support Y and Z effect, then I damn well either NOT support X action, or find a way to negate that effect!

But the people who want illegal aliens in this country really don't give a shit about the lives of the people who cross our borders illegally; those people are all just pawns in their political game, and their lives mean less than nothing.

1 comment:

  1. That's not even taking into account the rapes, murders and robberies of illegals crossing into Mexico from Guatemala on thier way to the USA, the greater portion of which are committed by Mezican troops and police.

    Perhaps it is time for the US to annex Mexico, clean it up, allow any Mexicans who want to to gain US Citizenship. Encourage Mexico to intermingle Mexican law with US law where they don't clash, making Mexico the 51st state, perhaps even the 51st through the 60th or so. Mexico could be a territory until such time as the people decide whether or not they want to be a State(s).


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